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Full FAQs Found Here


2025 Leadership Seminar FAQs

Packing List

2024 Leadership Seminar Program Book


When and where will the programs be held?


The 2025 Central PA HOBY Leadership Seminar will be held from June 5-8 at Millersville University in Millersville, Pennsylvania. 


What is the cost of attending?

Early Bird Registration: $285

  • Early bird fees will end on December 13, 2024 - the Guaranteed Acceptance Deadline

Standard Registration: $385


How do I register?


High school guidance counselors may register students online or contact our Recruitment Team at with any questions or requests for assistance.


What happens after I am registered?


Once you have been registered for the Leadership Seminar, you will receive the Ambassador Pre-Seminar Materials containing everything you need to know. The planning committee will send this information to you approximately 6 weeks before the event.


Make sure to mark the program dates on your calendar now, and get ready for a memorable experience!


Is transportation provided?


Participants must arrange their own transportation to and from the seminar. We strongly discourage students from driving themselves to and from the seminar. If it is necessary for a student to drive, our Staff will collect and secure their car keys until the program ends on Sunday.


Students will be transported on chartered school buses during the seminar to an offsite volunteer opportunity on Saturday. Ambassadors will not be transported in private vehicles.


Who are the chaperones?


Facilitators are adult (age 21+) volunteer staff members assigned to a group of 8 or 9 students throughout the seminar. They encourage discussions, lead activities, and provide supervision for all activities.


Facilitators-in-Training are college students or young professionals (ages 18-20) who are teamed with an adult facilitator to assist with each group.


Our staff comprises youth and adult volunteers serving various roles throughout the weekend. Many of our staff members are HOBY Alumni who participated in the Leadership Seminar and other HOBY programs as high school sophomores. Each year, they dedicate their time and energy to providing a similar experience for this year's Ambassadors.


Any person responsible for the health and safety of HOBY program participants must be at least 21 years of age. Facilitators and Staff remain on campus or with the participants at offsite locations during the entire event and are available 24 hours a day.


What safety measures are in place?


During the seminar, participants under 18 are required to practice the "buddy system" whenever they leave the larger group (restroom, water break, etc.).


We maintain an adult-to-student ratio of no more than 12:1 at all times. In addition, all volunteers over age 18 are required to successfully complete a background check, including the Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History report, the Pennsylvania State Child Abuse Clearance for Volunteers Having Contact with Children, and a Federal Background Check, including fingerprinting. These are the same level of requirements for all PA public school teachers.


Should an emergency situation arise while we are on campus, we will follow emergency procedures prescribed by the University. Likewise, when we are off campus, we follow the emergency procedures of the facility that we are visiting.


Use or possession of alcohol, unauthorized or illegal drugs, tobacco products, and/or weapons of any kind is strictly prohibited for all participants and may result in expulsion from the program.


HOBY mandates the reporting of any reasonable, good faith suspicion of child abuse of any nature and threats of danger to self or others, including terroristic threats, to the appropriate authorities.


What should I expect when I get there?


At the Central Pennsylvania Leadership Seminar, you can expect:

  • To be exposed to important ideas, including opinions that may differ from your own

  • To interact one-on-one with decision-makers in education, government, business, and other professions

  • To jump in and discover more about issues impacting you and your community

  • To be challenged to make a difference in your community

  • To commit to devoting 100 hours to volunteer service in the next year to help make your community stronger, in any way you believe you can

  • To make new friends who are also committed to making a positive difference in this world

  • And to have more fun than you ever expected!


From the moment you arrive at a HOBY program, you will be treated like a leader and encouraged to think critically about a wide range of issues that impact your life and the world. We expect all Ambassadors to participate in all activities and discussions and to respect their peers and our volunteer staff.


The program will not promote any specific political party, religion, or way of thinking but is designed to develop critical thinking skills by actively involving participants in discussions and informal debates.


Being selected to attend the Leadership Seminar is an honor bestowed upon those who have demonstrated leadership potential through their actions and comportment at their schools and in their home communities. We expect the students who attend the seminar to conduct themselves maturely and respectfully at all times and to abide by the rules we have established for the weekend.


What happens at the seminar?


On Thursday, you'll check in to the residence hall and start getting to know your fellow Ambassadors and the HOBY staff. We will be on campus all day, and our schedule will include speakers and activities focusing on developing personal and group leadership skills. 


Friday, we will focus on group and social leadership, and take a closer look into mental health and gratitude. Finishing up the night with some downtime and a dance.


On Saturday, we'll break up into groups and visit area non-profits to learn more about their roles in the community and how and whom they serve. We'll also get to know some of the Staff and volunteers who provide these valuable community resources and begin thinking about the ways that we can make a difference in our home communities. In the afternoon, we'll log three hours of community service working on a project with these organizations. We'll return to campus where we'll hear from other Ambassadors about their volunteer experiences, participate in a panel with community leaders, and hear from a keynote speaker. An evening social activity and group time will cap off a long and rewarding day.


Sunday is our last day at the seminar, and we'll spend the morning learning how we can apply what we have learned at HOBY when we return home. We'll talk to HOBY Alumni about their paths after the seminar and how to stay involved with HOBY. After some time for reflection and a last lunch with our groups, we'll head to the closing ceremony. Ambassadors will reunite with their families at the conclusion of the closing ceremony and then check out of the residence halls.


What are the accommodations like?


The dormitory is divided into several wings to accommodate participants. There will be a female-identifying wing and a male-identifying wing. The female-identifying wing features suite-style accommodations, with each suite containing two double rooms (four students per suite) and two full shared bathrooms. The male-identifying wing consists of suites with two single rooms (two students per suite) and one shared bathroom.


The residence halls are secured, and access to the facility is regulated by a swipe card. Only HOBY participants and University Staff may access these buildings. Our adult staff performs nightly bed checks of all student rooms to ensure safety.


Ambassadors will share a room with participants of the same age group and gender identity. If an Ambassador is non-binary or transgender, our staff will reach out to ensure appropriate housing arrangements. Roommate requests cannot be accommodated. Bathrooms are shared within their assigned suite. All rooms are air-conditioned. Participants must provide their own linens, pillows, and towels. A complete packing list will be included in the Ambassador Pre-Seminar Materials.


Are facilities accessible?


We strive to make our programs inclusive of all participants and ask that you please notify the Leadership Seminar Chair at of any accessibility needs by May 1st so that we can work with you to arrange appropriate resources.


What about meals?


All participants in HOBY programs will receive three nutritious meals daily and snacks in the afternoon and evening.


On-campus meals are served at the Dining Hall. The dining hall offers all-you-care-to-eat meals, served buffet style. Usually, at least two entrees are offered at every meal, plus the dining hall offers a grill, pizza station, and a salad bar. The dining hall also includes an allergen-free station.


Off-campus meals and snacks are planned by HOBY staff, and many components are contributed by local restaurants and grocery stores. All foods are commercially prepared. Please bring a refillable water bottle (or plan to purchase one at the HOBY Store when you arrive) to help reduce waste.


If you have special dietary considerations, please notify us when you register, and indicate your dietary needs. We plan to provide choices appropriate for the following preferences; however, if you have a special need not covered below, please notify the Leadership Seminar Chair at, and we will work with you to accommodate your requirements.

  • I Eat Everything (no restrictions)

  • Pescatarian

  • Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian

  • Vegan

  • Diabetic

  • No Pork

  • No Red Meat

  • Lactose-Freee

  • Gluten-Free

  • Kosher

  • Halal

  • Peanut Allergy

  • All Nut Allergy

  • Shellfish Allergy


What should I bring?


A full packing list is available here


What if I am registered and then unable to attend?


If circumstances arise that prevent you from attending the entire program, we would like to give another student from your school the opportunity to participate. Please immediately go to the high school counselor or principal who registered you and inform him/her of your situation. Please also contact to let us know. Be sure to follow up without delay because a cancellation fee may apply.


Students are not permitted to leave and return to the seminar for any reason, including school or sporting events.


What if I need to take medication or I become injured or ill?


At check-in, the HOBY Healthcare Provider will collect all medications and will securely store them for the duration of the seminar. All medication must be provided in its original container as labeled by the pharmacy, and participants should only bring as much medication as will reasonably be needed during the event.


Proper administration and dosage of medication shall be the participant's sole responsibility. HOBY will have no responsibility in seeing that the participant takes the medication as prescribed by the doctor and HOBY volunteers will not dispense prescription medication for participants during the event.


The HOBY Healthcare Provider will be available in the morning, at meal times, in the evening, and at other times as required so that Ambassadors can pick up medications as needed. Medications will be returned to parents/guardians at check out on Sunday.


The first responder in case of a medical emergency will be the HOBY Healthcare Provider, who will determine an appropriate course of action. Please review and sign the medical release included in the registration materials so any required treatment at a local facility is not delayed in case of emergency. 


How can I contact my child?


As a courtesy to our speakers and presenters and to help our Ambassadors stay engaged with the activities in our curriculum, we strictly limit the use of cell phones and ask that all phones be silenced and put away whenever an activity is taking place.


Our schedule is very busy, and we are on the go from early morning until late evening, so please don't be surprised if you don't hear from your Ambassador! We ask that parents/guardians, friends, and family members please do not call or text Ambassadors during scheduled activities. Parents/guardians will be given a copy of our agenda at check-in.


You can follow along with our Seminar activities on social media:



No outside guests are permitted in or around the seminar facilities after Check-In on Thursday or prior to the Closing Ceremony on Sunday. Ambassadors will reunite with their families after the Closing Ceremony.


In case of emergency, our Staff will be available 24/7. Emergency contact phone numbers will be provided in the Ambassador Pre-Seminar Materials.


Who do I contact if I have questions?


If you have any questions about the Central Pennsylvania Leadership Seminar, please email Arielle Harleman, Leadership Seminar Chair, at


Ambassador Rules and Regulations

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